Cancellation / Refund Policies

Cancellation Policy

Once signup, Your Postman do not allow deleting account but Your Postman user can disable his/her account, which means after completing disable process (from website/app) user's data will freeze & user will not able to access account also will not receive any notification SMS/email. Note: Your Postman will not delete disable account past data/logs for security reasons (which include user personal information).

Refund Policy

Your Postman not offer refund in any case even for Failed SMS, Account Block or for wallet balance which is left and unused. Once transaction is initiated by user & money added to Your Postman wallet then there will be no refund in future to user’s bank account. All balance in Your Postman wallet can only be used for sending Bulk SMS. Our system works on submission basis so you need to pay for each SMS processed from Your Postman website/app which includes Failed SMS as well (Blocked numbers are not chargeable). For blocked account as well Your Postman don't offer any refund.

At Simple Reach, customer satisfaction has always been our top priority.

- Please feel free to contact us at any time if you are having difficulty using our services, our support team is always available to help you.

- Still, if the services do not meet your needs, you can get a complete refund within 30-60 days of using service as pro rata basis. You can easily request a refund by contacting us at: Mobile: 7036-365-247 OR Email: info[@]

- When your refund request is accepted by the company, you'll receive a confirmation email/SMS on your registered contact number/email ID.

- Since we are always eager to learn and improve, we would appreciate it if you would mention your reason for the refund so that we can learn from it and make the necessary changes.

Get in touch with us by calling 07036-365-247 and take a deep breath!